
Green Film at the Prix Italia Rai Academy in Bari 

October 3, 2023

Green Film will take part in the event “Going Green: Mission Possible. An ecological transition for cinema and TV” on Tuesday 3rd October in Bari for the Rai Academy’s Prix Italia 2023 from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm, in streaming on e RAI Play.  

The audiovisual industry is taking its responsibility in fostering sustainability.   
National and European legislation work to provide the necessary legal framework as broadcaster, with the private sector and different stakeholders, develop best practices and aspire to Green Certification as an important benchmark.  
How can audio-visual production become sustainable both environmentally and economically? What is the carbon footprint of our favorite Tv series? What investments in technology and production are necessary? 

Giuseppe Abbamonte, direttore per le politiche dei media presso la Commissione Europea, Nathalie Bobineau, direttrice du développement international chez France Télévisions,  Micol Rigo, Vicedirettore Rai Per la Sostenibilità-ESG, Anna Maria Tosto, Presidente Apulia Film Commission, Linnea Merzagora, Green Film Project Manager.
Moderator: Giuseppe Solinas, giornalista Rai – relazioni internazionali e Affari Europei. 

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