
Pequeños Calvarios

Welcome to the big city, welcome to the wonderful world of obsessions. Today’s society invites us to feed on behaviours in which our minds cling to a fixed and uncontrollable idea. Fewer and fewer people are able to escape from this psychological loop in which human relationships, health and nutrition, money and image, order and hygiene are all projected…

Are obsessions good for something? Can we live without them? Can our neuroses end up destroying us? Can they make us better? And doesn’t the mere fact of considering something like this already denote that we are losing our way? With the city as the ideal territory for the cultivation of the most pathological manias, and over the course of four stories, we will deal with obsession as an escape valve, as a collective phenomenon, as an unmasker of our most intimate selves, or as the only way to survive in society, while listening to Pequeños Calvarios, Conrado García’s radio programme.

GREEN FILM Rating 28/50
100' min.
Javier Polo
Arturo Valls, Berta Vázquez, Andrea Duro, Pablo Molinero, Vito Sanz
Pequeños Calvarios AIE

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