Garantizar una alimentación sana y de calidad para los miembros del equipo respetando el medioambiente, reduciendo al máximo la producción de residuos de catering y las emisiones de CO2 debidas a decisiones organizativas costosas desde el punto de vista tanto medioambiental como económico.
SECCIÓN C: Restauración |
Rating | |
C1 |
Agua potable
Option 1: 3 points Option 2: 2 points |
max 3 points |
C2 |
Supply of meals
Option 1: 4 points Option 2: 3 points Option 3: 2 points |
max 4 points |
C3 |
Vegetarian, organic and/or local option
Vegetarian dishes: 1 points Dishes made with 100% organic and/or locally produced ingredients: 1 points |
max 2 points |
C4 | Coffee on-set | 2 points |
C5 | Fight against food waste | 2 points |
El suministro de agua potable y bebidas frías en el set de rodaje debe realizarse sin utilizar botellas de plástico. Si se utilizan vasos (o recipientes similares), no pueden ser desechables.
Para el suministro de agua potable es posible:
Opción 1 (4 puntos):
utilizar sólo la red hídrica local.
Opción 2 (3 puntos):
utilizar dispensadores de agua.
Observaciones y sugerencias
El uso de botellas de plástico y vasos desechables significa producir cada día residuos (envases ligeros) que deben eliminarse de acuerdo con los criterios locales de separación de residuos, que pueden variar según el lugar donde se encuentre el set de rodaje. Evitar la producción de estos residuos puede ser una solución ecológica y eficaz desde el punto de vista económico y organizativo.
Las autoridades sanitarias competentes realizan un control constante de la salubridad del agua procedente del acueducto, garantizando que los usuarios del servicio puedan beber agua potable utilizando grifos y fuentes; alternativamente, el agua se puede dispensar mediante dispensadores de agua que, en cualquier caso, son mucho más ecológicos que las botellas de plástico.
El uso de cantimploras u otros recipientes personalizados de material lavable por parte de los miembros del equipo es la solución preferida.
El respeto de este criterio también reduce indirectamente el uso de vehículos motorizados, tanto para la compra de botellas de agua y vasos de plástico, como para la eliminación de residuos, reduciendo así las emisiones de CO2 y el consumo de combustible.
Modalidades de verificación
Verificación documental.
Opción 1
Presentar en original o copia:
una lista de los sets de rodaje utilizados en el rodaje y los puntos de suministro de la red local de agua utilizados para cada uno de ellos;
las facturas de compra de cantimploras, vasos lavables u otros recipientes no desechables utilizados para el suministro de agua, o una declaración responsable en la que se indique que se han comprado previamente y se han reutilizado para la producción en cuestión.
Opción 2
Presentar en original o en copia:
las facturas relativas al alquiler o compra de dispensadores de agua y botellones;
las facturas relativas a la compra de cantimploras, vasos lavables u otros recipientes no desechables utilizados para el suministro de agua.
Verificación en el set de rodaje. La verificación en el set por parte del personal del Organismo de Verificación tendrá como objetivo detectar que el suministro de agua no se efectúe utilizando botellas de plástico o vasos desechables (u otros recipientes similares).
To serve the main meal of the day to the crew and cast, choose one of the following options.
Option 1 (4 points): To eat meals exclusively in restaurants within 5 km of the set, or by using a mobile canteen for preparing meals on set with reusable tableware.
Option 2 (3 points): To consume at least 75% of the meals at restaurants within 5 km of the set, or to use a mobile canteen for preparing meals on the set with reusable tableware; the remaining portion must be provided through a catering service that does not use disposable baskets and packaging but uses only self-service distribution with reusable tableware.
Option 3 (2 points): To consume meals through a catering service that does not use single-use baskets and packaging but uses only self-service distribution with reusable tableware.
As an exception, a quick snack may be consumed on-set (such as, for example, sandwiches or similar) when the shoot envisages non-stop hours. It is understood that this exception cannot be applied for more than 30% of the total number of shooting days.
Observations and suggestions
Very often the catering service or mobile canteen is provided by giving crew members individual portions of food to be eaten on-set (lunch-boxes), which leads to an increase in the production of waste. The key to meeting this criterion is therefore to eliminate lunch-boxes.
The restaurant option is more sustainable than the catering service because the use of reusable tableware is always guaranteed, and the handling of waste is the responsibility of the restaurateur.
For dishwashing, prefer detergents with EU Ecolabel or with other type I certification (ISO 14024).
Verification procedure
Document verification.
Option 1:
Produce the originals or copies of the following:
Option 2:
Option 3:
On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to verify that the meals are not served using individual lunch-boxes and, if necessary, to ascertain that the exceptional use of snacks consumed on-set is within the permitted limit of 30% of the total shooting days.
100% of the daily main meals of the crew and cast must include at least one vegetarian or vegan meal alternative > 1 point.
A bonus of 1 point is awarded if, for 100% of the meals, the menu includes at least one alternative with dishes prepared with 100% organic and/or local/ zero food miles ingredients.
Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce a copy of the contract signed with the ser- vice provider, where the offer of the vegetarian alternative dish and/or the dish with 100% organic and local ingredients must also be made explicit. Organic ingredients: from organic farming (EU Regulation 2018/848, as amended, or similar international standard).
Local or zero food miles ingredients: “zero food miles” means a distance of less than 200 km between the cultivated land/farming site and the indoor or outdoor cooking centre.
The serving of coffee on the set must take place avoiding the use of disposable cups or stirrers.
The coffee must be made from beans or compostable pods, and the latter must be disposed of in the organic waste collection.
100% coffee beans > 2 points
100% compostable coffee pods > 1 point
Observations and suggestions
Disposable plastic or aluminium pods are not permitted for this criterion.
Verification procedure
For scoring purposes, all types of coffee administered on the set during the filming period are taken into account, and the lowest score among the listed cases is awarded.
Document verification.
Submit original or copy invoices for the purchase of washable cups and washable coffee spoons/stirrers, and of coffee beans or compostable pods.
On-set verification.
The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to detect the absence of ineligible supplies.
As regards main meals, to collaborate with charities or companies that offer a take-back service for food prepared and not consumed. This requisite must be met for meals consumed on set.
100% of main meals include donation of leftovers > 2 points
75% of main meals include donation of leftovers > 1 point
Verification procedure
Document verification. Present the agreement signed with the subject who will take back the leftover food, as well as a list of the sets used for shooting and the related meals for which leftover food donation is envisaged, showing their total percentage.
On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification is to verify the actual recovery of food prepared and not consumed, only as regards meals consumed on set.