Ahorro Energético

Ahorro Energético


Garantizar una reducción eficaz del impacto medioambiental de la Obra Audiovisual, limitando al máximo las emisiones contaminantes y alteradoras del clima y el desperdicio de recursos energéticos. Racionalizar el uso de los recursos favoreciendo al mismo tiempo el ahorro económico.

Ahorro Energético
A1 Uso de la electricidad proveniente de la red de distribución 4 points
A2 Green Power 1 points
A3 LED lighting 2 points

Descripción de la sección:



Utilizar únicamente la energía eléctrica suministrada a través de conexiones temporales a la red de distribución contactando con los proveedores locales, sin recurrir al uso de grupos electrógenos.

100% de días de rodaje con electricidad de red > 4 puntos
75% de días de rodaje con electricidad de red > 3 puntos

Observaciones y sugerencias

La conexión temporal conlleva un coste fijo para la celebración del contrato y costes variables calculados sobre el consumo real en kilovatios hora, muy inferiores a los costes que implica el uso de grupos electrógenos. Por lo tanto, después de cada inspección, habrá que ponerse en contacto con el proveedor de energía del Municipio en el que se va a realizar el rodaje para verificar si realmente es posible un suministro temporal.

Modalidades de verificación

Verificación documental. Presentar en original o en copia:

los contratos firmados con el/los proveedor/es de electricidad;
las facturas correspondientes;
un cuadro resumen que incluya todos los sets de rodaje y las referencias de suministro de electricidad correspondientes utilizadas en cada uno de ellos (proveedor, contrato).
Verificación en el set de rodaje. La verificación en el set por parte del personal del Organismo de Verificación tendrá como objetivo detectar la ausencia de grupos electrógenos.



Use of electricity coming from renewable sources.
For filming in locations where electricity can be drawn from third parties via temporary connections, the power must come exclusively from renewable sources.
In other cases, use renewable source generators (e.g.: photovoltaic, biodiesel, etc.) for on-site power production.
100% days of shooting using electricity produced from renewable sources > 3 points
75% days of shooting using electricity produced from renewable sources > 2 points

Observations and suggestions
To demonstrate that the power used is 100% from renewable sources, use supplies with a “Guarantee of Origin” certificate or obtain a signed statement from the supplier regarding the renewability of all of the energy sources used for producing the electricity supplied to the production.

Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce the originals or copies of the following:

  • supply contract(s);
  • power supplier’s statement indicating the provenance of the renewable
    sources of all of the electricity supplied (under the contract); and/or the “Guarantee of Origin” certificate of the supply;
  • the invoices for the purchase or rental of electricity generators from renewable sources used and photographic evidence of their use;
  • a summary table showing all of the sets and the indication for each one of the use or non use of renewable energy sources and with indication of the overall percentage of use.

On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to verify the temporary connection under contract with the option of supply coming from renewable energy sources and/or the presence of the renewable source generators used.


Limit the use of incandescent, halogen or fluorescent lighting systems and prefer lighting devices with LED technology.
100% of lighting systems used are LED > 2 points
75% of lighting systems used are LED > 1 point

Observations and suggestions
Incandescent, halogen and fluorescent lamp lighting systems consume much more electricity than LED lamps, and therefore negatively affect environmental sustainability and costs.

Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce the originals or copies of the following:

  • invoices for the purchase or rental of the lighting systems used;
  • a list showing the percentage of the number of LEDS compared to all
  • lighting systems.

On-set verification.
The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to take note of the lighting systems actually used.

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