Planificar la sostenibilidad

Planificar la sostenibilidad


Plan beforehand the practical and streamlined application of the sustainability criteria to be adopted, using simple and concrete information, in order to reduce the environmental impact of an audiovisual production to a minimum but without slowing down the cast’s and crew’s work. Plan beforehand production mobilization so as to optimise transportation and therefore reduce its environmental and economic impact. Plan waste reduction and management.

Planificar la sostenibilidad
PR1 Sustainability plan

Descripción de la sección:


All actions must be completed before starting the shoot.
Nomination of a person responsible for the application of the protocol (Sustainability Manager), a professional with at least two years of experience in the field of environmental consulting.
Drafting of a Sustainability Plan describing the choices made to make the production more sustainable, based on the criteria indicated in the rating system.

Also, it must mandatorily provide the following indications:

  • transportation: the Sustainability Plan must contain a chapter called “Optimization of transportation” that provides clear indications on how travel is intended to be optimized and on how to reduce emissions both on set (daily accommodation-to-set trip) and on the trip from home to the set or from a different set to the new set (‘home-to-set’ or ‘set A to set B’ trips). In the latter case, only if the costs are paid for by the production. The principle on which this should be based is to use the smallest number of vehicles and trips possible.
  • waste management: the Sustainability Plan must contain a chapter called “Optimization of waste management” that provides clear indications on how differentiated waste management will be implemented and how produced waste management will be improved, based on the “4R” principle (reduce, reuse, recycle and recover). It must also contain information regarding the regulations in force at the various sets in terms of waste disposal. Finally, it must envisage the creation within the spaces on set and at base camp for delimited areas equipped with appropriate waste disposal bins with precise and clear indications on where to throw away waste as per the law.

The Sustainability Plan will be transmitted via e-mail to:

  • the Certifying Body;
  • the Appointed Party (if any);
  • the chosen Verifying Body;
  • each member of the production crew.

The Sustainability Manager must hold a kick-off meeting which must be attended by the producer or his delegate (line producer or production manager), the director, the heads of department and everyone involved in the actions to be implemented to protect the environment. Written minutes of the meeting must be drawn up.
At the end of shooting, the Sustainability Manager will have to draw up a report regarding the actions taken for each criterion, and specifically referring to the contents indicated and the actions foreseen in the Sustainability Plan.

Observations and suggestions
The Sustainability Plan should include, for each criterion, precise reference as to the actions to be taken on each set. It also should include a context analysis in order to highlight the fragile/critical aspects of the environment that characterise the area in which shooting will take place (such as protected areas, historical town centres, urban areas with heavy traffic, etc.) and the impact that the activities will have on these critical aspects, in order to indicate
adequate solutions in the plan aimed at reducing this impact, both during shooting and once shooting is completed.
The main aim of the Plan is to involve all of the staff and crew members in implementing best environmental practices.
The kick off meeting is to be seen as an opportunity for training. At this meeting specific information is to be provided to each individual department: for example, drivers transporting people and goods should know in detail the plan for optimising transport and the need to use public transport whenever possible.
The Certifying Body and/or the Appointed Party (if any), may send the Plan also to the Public Bodies involved, and in particular to the Municipal Boards, so as to provide assurance to the local institutions as well as to boost cooperation towards the successful implementation of the Plan.

Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce the originals or copies of the following:

  • Sustainability Plan (before starting the shoot);
    nomination and curriculum vitae of the Sustainability Manager (before starting the shoot);
  • e-mails sent to crew and staff members with the Plan attached;
  • minutes of the kick-off meeting;
  • final report indicating the actions implemented for each criterion.

On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to assess:

  • the crew and staff members’ effective knowledge of the Plan;
  • the implementation of good practices for the optimization of transportation;
  • the actual presence of waste recycling containers at every set and base camp;
  • the correct use of the containers (by random sampling, checking whether;
  • the disposal is done as indicated by the local waste disposal indications).

Descargue ahora el Sistema de Certificación