


To promote and advertise the Audiovisual Work also through communication events that publicly disseminate the industry’s adoption of good practices linked to sustainability. To increase the public and the crew’s awareness of issues concerning environmental sustainability. It should be kept in mind that it is mandatory that the ‘Green Film’ logo appear not only in the credits but also in the advertising and promotional materials of the Audiovisual Work. The credits must include the text: “[film title] is a [‘Green Film’ logo]”.

G1 Communicating sustainability Trailer/clip/backstage: 1 points
Crew training: 2 points
Initiative proposed by production: 1 points
max 4 points

Section description:


To activate initiatives to improve the effectiveness of communication and to promote the good practices adopted to make the Audiovisual Work sustainable, with the aim of increasing the results and public awareness of environmental sustainability issues.
The initiatives to promote sustainability concern:

  • production and distribution of a trailer/clip/backstage concerning the good sustainability practices adopted;
  • training the entire crew on good practices adopted and to be adopted on set, including through meetings or the production and dissemination of information material (“Green memo”), excluding the kick-off meeting requested by the Pre-requisite Pr1;
  • other verifiable initiative proposed by the production company; the initiative must be realised and communicated before the end of the verification process.

Observations and suggestions
The trailer/clip/backstage (with video images from the set and interviews) aims to succinctly and effectively illustrate the way in which the production has implemented each of the selected actions of the Green Film rating system. The video must be made and disseminated before the end of the verification process and delivered also to the Green Film Certifying Body, authorising its publication on a dedicated page of the Green Film website.
The various initiatives and the related points assigned can be summed together to reach maximum 4 points.

Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce the original or copies of the following:

  • trailer/clip/backstage and proof of its distribution; and/or
  • evidence of formative meetings and/or of dissemination of “green memos” and/or;
  • other relevant documents.

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