The purpose of this criterion is to encourage producers to adopt labour practices aimed at improving the sustainability of production from a social point of view.
In particular, the suggested actions are aimed at improving the psycho-physical-social wellbeing of the crew and cast and the involvement of local and sustainability-conscious suppliers in the production process.
SECTION F: Social Sustainability |
Rating | |
F1 |
On-set wellbeing
Production’s Charter of Values (1 point) Initiatives aimed at improving wellbeing on set (2 points) |
max 3 points |
F2 | Choice of sustainable suppliers | 3 points |
F3 | Local suppliers | 3 points |
Observations and suggestions
The decision to adopt a charter of values or code of ethics that takes into account the guidelines and principles protecting the dignity and rights of workers on the set represents a first significant step towards a healthier and more inclusive work environment.
For a good example of a production’s charter of values see, for instance, the Charter of Ethical Behaviour for the Audiovisual Sector developed by the Women in Film, Television & Media Italia association, to protect and promote cultural and occupational gender equality and diversity in all its professional aspects, including the prevention of sexual harassment, intimidation acts and all forms of discrimination, gender-based violence and body shaming in the workplace.
Another significant step in promoting a healthy environment on set is to become aware of the workload and stress associated with a specific production and to take action to reduce potential risks to the wellbeing of workers as much as possible.
Numerous resources have been developed to promote psycho-physical-social wellbeing in the workplace, both general and specific to the audiovisual sector. Moreover, new specific professionals (e.g. Wellbeing Facilitators) can play a crucial role in promoting a healthier work environment.
The initiatives should be chosen from the options listed at the end of the page..
It is suggested that the initiatives aimed at improving wellbeing on the set be agreed in advance with the Verifying Body.
The different initiatives and their scores can be added together, up to a maximum score of 3 points.
Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce originals or copies of the following:
Option 1: Production’s charter of values and evidence of its distribution to cast and crew before starting the shoot:
Option 2: Appropriate documents with attached any supporting documents, demonstrating the implementation of one or more actions aimed at improving the wellbeing of crew and cast, chosen from the options available on the website on the page dedicated to Section F Social Sustainability.
On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to assess:
Option 1: The crew and cast members’ actual receipt of the production’s charter of values before starting the shoot;
Option 2: The truthfulness of the declarations made about the initiatives undertaken, through the direct acquisition of information and data.
At least 30% of all audiovisual production suppliers:
Observations and suggestions
This criterion applies to all of the production’s main suppliers. Main suppliers are considered to be those receiving a significant share of the budget, or who perform a service/product supply that is relevant to the production or entails an environmental and/or social risk (e.g.: for set design, risk of child labour and/or safety hazards).
Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce originals or copies of the following:
At least 30% of all audiovisual production suppliers have their operational headquarters at a maximum distance of 200 km from the sets they provide the service/supply to.
Observations and suggestions
This criterion applies to all relevant production suppliers. Main suppliers are considered to be those receiving a significant share of the budget, or who perform a service/product supply that is relevant to the production (e.g.: on- set personnel for set design).
Verification procedure
Document verification. Produce originals or copies of the following: