A public consultation for the upgrade of the rating system is now open.
You can contribute by filling in a questionnaire here.

Rating system and certification
for a sustainable film production.


A tool designed to promote environmental sustainability for audiovisual productions and to guide producers in working in an environmentally sustainable manner.

A label that certifies environmental sustainability for audiovisual productions conferred for projects conducted in an environmentally respectful manner.

How does it work


Download and read the GREEN FILM Rating System and discover how to protect the environment while producing your film.


Complete the checklist you will find in the Rating System, indicating which environmental sustainability criteria you wish to comply with.


During the shooting, undertake to comply with the criteria you committed to. An independent verifying body will check that you have complied with the criteria.


At the end of the project, if the evaluation is positive, you will receive the GREEN FILM certification for your film.

Who is involved


Production companies that choose to use GREEN FILM to make their projects more environmentally sustainable.


A film commission or a film fund that has adopted GREEN FILM as a system to encourage the producers with whom it cooperates to adopt environmentally sustainable work practices.

Verifying Bodies

Companies operating in the field of environmental certification, or public entities with experience in environmental issues, qualified to verify compliance with the sustainability criteria towards obtaining GREEN FILM certification.

Evaluation Criteria

Planning sustainability

Plan beforehand the practical and streamlined application of the sustainability criteria to be adopted in order to reduce the environmental impact of an audiovisual production to a minimum but without slowing down the cast’s and crew’s work.
Prerequisite details

Energy saving

Ensure an efficient reduction of environmental impact, limiting as much as possible polluting emissions and wastage of energy resources, rationalise use of resources favouring economic savings.
Section details

Transport and accommodation

Reduce polluting emissions and fuel consumption costs deriving from motorised transport, through a rational organisation of movements.
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Guarantee healthy and good quality nutrition, that respects the environment by reducing the production of waste and CO2 from catering operations.
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Material selection

Encourage use of materials that respect the environment and avoid wasting materials by efficient reuse solutions.
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Other initiatives

The criterion groups other initiatives not matching with previously listed criteria and aimed at reducing the environmental impact or at promoting the good practices adopted by production.
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Social Sustainability

The purpose of this criterion is to encourage producers to adopt labour practices aimed at improving the sustainability of production from a social point of view.
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Communication of good practices linked to sustainability, development public’s awareness regarding sustainability.
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Why adopt it

It fosters the green approach

A simple and proven instrument

Many regions, one single system

Certified films

The most recent films that have been certified.

Leggere Lolita a Teheran

Leggere Lolita a Teheran

Produced by United King Films, Topia Communications, Rosamont, Eran Riklis Production, Minerva Pictures, Rai Cinema
La casa di tutti

La casa di tutti

Produced by Mompracem srl
La cosa migliore

La cosa migliore

Produced by Apapaja, Les films d’Antoine, Janaprod

GREEN FILM Research Lab is a research project aiming at collecting, analysing and sharing data about environmentally sustainable audiovisual productions. The main objectives of the project are:

Assess the environmental, economic and cultural impact of sustainable film productions.

Map the innovative technologies that can be used in audiovisual productions in order to reduce their impact on the environment.

Analyse the real or perceived factors that currently favour or stand in the way of implementing sustainable practices.

Agenda 2030

Green Film’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Bodies promoting and supporting Green Film & Partners of Green Film Research Lab

Would you like to know more?

Contact us by writing to info@green.film

Download now the rating system

Hello There!

As of 1 September, the new Green Film rating system is in force.